Tuesday, September 27, 2005

luxuries or needs?

Sunday evening.
Free thoughts flowing in my head.
Peace while walking.
It was a great evening, while I was returning from my office.
Suddenly some message flashed before my eyes.
I thought it was an imagination, for the message and the location it was placed were so contradicting each other.
But then I realized that I did read the message. I went back a few steps and re-checked my observation. Yes, it was indeed true.

It read "The world has enough for every man's need but not for any man's greed.".
And the place was the entrance of one of the lavish star hotels in the city.

So many thoughts struck my head as what would have led to post that message there.
A bit of research provided me partial answers.
That it was one of the quotes of the Mahatma. So obviously it would qualify to be placed in such places with utmost priority. National pride.
The other reasons, well, I can only guess.
One being that it was part of the long chain of quotes by the Mahatma spread all over the place. The next guess would be it has a meaning that applies to the place.
That, such lavish hotels are part of some person's 'needs' and so here is a place that provides the 'needs' for such persons.

Hard to imagine such needs.

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