Tuesday, September 13, 2005

a brief pause . . .

Before Aristotle, with his sheer brilliance, came up with the idea that Earth is in fact round, people believed that earth was flat.
And then Ptolemy came up with the idea that Earth is the centre of the universe.
Then it was the turn of Copernicus to state that the Sun is at the centre and planets revolve round the sun, shattering all the earlier theories to pieces.
Then followed Galileo and Newton, each one of them proving a new theory, thereby confuting all prior beliefs.

What if someday in the future, some intelligent scientist comes up with a new theory disproving all the facts we believe to be true?
Then, there won't be anything called the gravitational force or quantum mechanics.
Bodies don't attract each other. Neither is the Big Bang true. Space time correlation does not apply.

Sure there is going to be someday, when the basic thing we believe to be true is going to be proved false.
So, is it better not to believe in any theories that currently exist?

May be we can prove more facts if we don't believe in already proven facts.
If Aristotle believed that earth was flat, he would never have discovered that Earth is in fact round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too muse over things in that off beam direction sometimes!!
I wonder how would it be if one day we come to know that all our theories and assumptions are incorrect and we land up at Zero!!!
I think this is possible because what we see with our eyes is not always what it is!
Just few days ago I was on my way to vizag where I could see the mountains cladded with the white light-weight clouds. It's hard to believe for a layman that they are clouds. It very much looked like the Smoke!
The Mirages, Clouds at less altitude etc all are illusions from a distance!
Universe has been a mystery Always and will be forever, how much ever we advance in our technology.
The more it unfolds we would just know that there is much more to be unfolded !!!

As said by Socrates : "I only know that I know Nothing" holds good with this unexplained world.
There will always be Questions With Out Answers !
Few things we should put up with out going into its intricacies!!!