Sunday, April 24, 2011

Three cheers..

A look at the recent succession of events that dominated the headlines would convince anyone that one success begets another and that one victory spreads enough optimism to fight another. It was an interesting article in last weekend's Hindu magazine (couldn't find an online link unfortunately!) trying to link the optimism and the fighting spirit shown by the common man around the country in supporting Anna Hazare's campaign to that of the spirit shown by Dhoni's men in winning the World Cup. The joy of the world cup spread into this fight against the corruption, it says, backed by the feeling of 'we can', shown first by the Indian team and then by anti-corruption crusaders around the country. While I leave the pros and cons of the movement for the technically inclined, and the criticism for the skeptics, the biggest outcome of the fast was the unity with which everyone responded and expressed support for one of the biggest evils that hinders development in this part of the world.

Quick to follow it up was the successful launch of the PSLV placing three satellites up in the orbit - another thing to cheer about, makes it three in a row coupled with the two mentioned above. Though the debate continues on whether satellites are the need of the hour for a still developing country, what is praiseworthy is the effort put in towards attaining the scientific precision required for such high tech projects. Think about parking your car in a busy Koti road and you will know :-)

One enthusiastic journalist covering the launch live on tv asked a bystander if he thought spending on satellites was justified at all. If you ask me, he had the answer right in front of him. Without satellites, he wouldn't have been seen live across so many screens across the world. Spending on science is justified, I feel. It is for science to predict the future and envision things ahead of time and work towards making them a reality in the coming days. So anything that they do today might seem irrelevant, but as time progresses, it all will come together to give us a better future.

More optimism and victories for the hard working!

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