Monday, March 28, 2011

Of poets and people..

రాజు  నివసించు  రాజ  సౌధమ్ములోన  
కవి నివసించు ప్రజల హృదయమ్ములోన 

[The King stays in magnificient palaces..
While the poet stays in the hearts of the people] goes the fantastic poem written by Gurram Jashuva which very aptly describes the lines that I would have liked to write, post my visit to Mysore and Bangalore recently.

On the first day in Mysore, I was audience to the grandiosity and splendor of the high rise palaces, magnificient pieces of art that were hung in the museums, showing the rich and glorious lifestyle of the rulers back in the day, how people would throng to the palace to celebrate festivals and participate in processions, showing their loyalty to the King.

The very next day, in Bangalore, I was witness to the unparalleled affection and unprecedented admiration that a few thousands of people can have for a single man, and how, at the top of their voice, they were cheering for their super hero when he first entered the field and marked his place at the crease, like he had been doing for the past 21 years, never failing the hope people have in him. 

I could so easily relate the above poem to my experience of the two days drawing parallel to the King in the poem to the Mysore royalty and the great cricketer to the poet mentioned, and how the King can rule the masses, but it is the poet who truly wins them over.

My memory failed me in trying to recollect the other beautiful lines of the poem which would have added more meaning to this post.

On a very different note, it is such a sorrow to see nature's fury over the place I had written about earlier, and after I have written specifically about the beauty of nature in my last post. How contradicting! Hope they recover soon.

One thing is sure - 'nothing is for sure'.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Vertically off..

Adjectives always fall short when it comes to describing nature.  Many a poet have drawn inspiration from the swaying leaves, blooming flowers, chirping birds, gushing streams and twinkling stars to produce masterpieces.

A five minute gaze into the twilight sky on a full moon day can make anyone a poet I guess.  While the blue to orange to dark turning sky takes down along with it the glowing red ball which lends its color to its counterpart that rises from a distant horizon illuminating the world with a natural glow that no amount of man-made inventions can beat.  You are left wondering how precise and rythmic nature's workings are and start thinking of how it could all have come into being. Thoughts quickly jump back to the Universe, the planets, the big bang theory, the dinosaurs, the human evolution.. the never ending tale of how things around us were created, are being created, and will continue to be.. and before you get too far on this tangent, the traffic signal turns green and you wake back into your regular life, shifting gears, revving the engine enough to do your part in wiping off a few things off the beautiful canvas that you were appreciating a moment earlier..

Nature has been the greatest of inspirations, though it continues to be an enigma at best.