Monday, January 02, 2012


2011 is out. 2012 is here.

Wishing all my readers a very happy new year. So I did neither better nor worse in 2011. With 14 posts each of the past two years, seems like I am setting a standard for the blog. Lets see if I can do a hat trick of 14 posts. In these days of twitter, I guess 14 is still an ambitious one.

Coming to 2012, the number has a special significance for me. "be2012" was my login id for four years of my Engineering and the number 2012 was probably the most I typed in those four years. The number brings back great memories of segmentation faults, C++ templates, long nights in labs and those tricky networking programs that kept me glued to the world of computers. And here I am into the eighth year of pro programming, which has now become my bread and butter, of course with a lot less segmentation faults and shorter nights at the computer. It is common philosophy and a very naive one at that, but want to reiterate that computers are these amazing machines that do exactly what you ask them to do, no less and no more. Obedient things they are!

And it was an interesting thing that happened the very next day I wrote my last post that I got to hear the Hyderabad traffic boss mention some statistics that a work force of 2000 is managing a traffic of 25 lakh vehicles in Hyderabad. That should give an idea how tough a problem it is. The infinite demand and limited resources equation is true after all!

Good luck for the new year and wish great things happen in my favorite year :-)

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