Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Make a difference..

A friend thought posting this on my blog could spread the awareness and reach a few who might be willing. So I have added a gadget to the right so that the link stays permanently on the blog :-)

In my friend's words:

I believe everyone wants to help the underprivileged, there is always the emotional side of us which responds sensibly for others' ill fate. But we are so much occupied with our own things that our senses do not materialize to reach them.

And there is always the doubt even if we are supporting indirectly in monetary things, the least that we can do to help them beside our limitations,  are these funds going into good hands.?

This time I thought I would try reaching out to a social service organization to HELP and have that experience of being there among them.
After an exhaustive search on world wide web, I tossed on this foundation called 'SPHOORTHI'.

A small gesture of kindness makes a difference for those children and is a reward for the person who sacrificed his career and ambitions dedicating himself for the foundation.

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