Monday, November 15, 2010

Been there.. Seen that..

It might be for just a couple of minutes. It might not be the greatest of the innings. But finally, I can cross an item from my list of "100 things to do in life".  That being "watching the master Sachin Tendulkar bat" live. Been there and seen that yesterday when I went to the test match played between India and New Zealand in Hyderabad.

On another day, it would have been a century that every cricket fan was waiting for - century number 50 in tests for the master, but it was not to be yesterday. That was the only disappointment, but not so much after seeing the other batsmen bat. All those batsmen whose shrugs and styles, defences and boundaries I was used to watching on TV were now playing less than a hundred yards from me. It was thrilling on that front but not so much in the play itself, it being a test match and our guys playing slower than usual, I was pretty bored with the game.

So, 1 out of 100 is over. Now I should plan for the rest 99, or rather I should make a list of those 99 first, because I never had a list till I did no. 1 :-)

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Tweet.. tweet..

First there was the good old telephone. Then came the e-mail. Then the mobile phone. Social networking followed. Micro-blogging is the new fad. Like everybody I've taken to anything that's new and happening, and in the process, I've added a new gadget to the blog today - my twitter feed. I am not very active on twitter as such, but I thought interlinking them both would be a good idea because in a sense both the blog and the twitter are for the same purpose. I use them both to express myself to friends and readers.

While twitter is for an informal thought or a single line that flashes in the mind suddenly, blog is for the more-thought-about topics and things that I find time and words to write about.

So twittering, blogging and everything that the amazing world of internet has to offer. I particularly like the innovation that has come up on the communications front in these recent years. Its good to watch the trend :)