Monday, January 04, 2010

bonne année!

The New Year has set in and a recap of last year is in order. Only two things come to my mind from 2009.

The first, through a short story..

Scene from class - IV A. The teacher was giving out the marks of the just finished Quarterly exams. She calls up Tinku and hands over his answer paper. The marks on the paper say 30/100. Poor guy, he fell 10 marks short of passing the exam. The teacher was about to start the usual "Work hard, Study well" lecture when Tinku turns to his classmates and says..

"Friends, you have seen how good a person I am, how tasty my lunch box is, how I gave you the best chocolates on my birthday. Now is the time to show some loyalty. Please send an SMS to the teacher asking to pass me by giving an extra 10 marks. Your voting matters! Please type PASS TINKU and SMS it to the teacher's number"

And the teacher immediately knew where the other 30 marks of Tinku went, happy about one positive thing though, Tinku's understanding of the democratic system. If people so demand, anything is possible :)

That was the first thing - Reality TV shows and how many of them!

And today, a friend and I were watching a news channel and pop comes a scroll bar in the bottom in shining red with the tag BREAKING NEWS and it is followed by "Today is the 4th of January, 2010, the birthday of Isaac Newton". I agree Newton is a great guy and his birthday is special, but what is so "break"-ing about his birthday?
I am sure it comes every year, doesn't it?
The best I could relate Newton and breaking is the apple 'breaking' away from the tree and falling down, if you can call it that.

That was the second thing - News channels and how many of them!

Happy New Year to one and all. Let the good things stay the same, and if they don't, there is always the next year :)


Swapna said...

Hey Gopi,
A good one :). Hahaha.... seriously the TV live shows are driving us crazy... vote for this, vote for that, SMS your answer.... I am sure your story will be a reality some time soon.
A good start from you this year... Wish you a happy New year 2010 and wishing we get more blogs from you and regularly.

Gopi Krishna said...

Thank you and wish you the same. :)

Ya, even I hope I will write more this year.