Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Vote...

The first phase of the elections is over and I have voted for the first time. It was a short process thanks to the elaborate arrangements by the respective authorities, it took just 20 minutes to reach the polling booth and come back. In spite of that, the city registered the lowest voting percentage in the whole state, bad news!

The most common excuse we hear from urban, educated voters is either "Whom should we vote for, they are all the same" or "I want to an option in the ballot which says - I don't want to vote for any of the candidates here". But if you think about it, politicians or politics in India are not as worse as we think. Within 60 years of independence we are already marching well ahead in terms of development and giving tough competition to countries which were always independent. Most of the credit for this goes to the Government, which in turn is made up of the very politicians and politics we are talking about. I don’t disagree with the fact that there is corruption, and vote-bank politics but then, it is not ALL bad.

I hope most of us voted, and voted sensibly to elect the next Government which will decide the future of the biggest democracy in the world in what I presume will be one of the toughest periods of the 21st century, considering the global recession and continuing international problems.

On a parting note, it was disheartening to see the flow of money, liquor and gifts in AP to lure people to vote, but I wish to believe that whoever distributed them grossly underestimated the power of vote by assuming they can 'buy' it. Hope they will learn their lesson soon.


pradeep said...

This was the first time I voted too. Let's hope we get the best ppl to form the govt. With the recession in place, it is going to be a tough job for anyone.

Anonymous said...

Was that your hand's forefinger showing the voting mark ? ;-) Hmm.. Very excited having voted rt !! :) It does feel a sense of fulfillment of responsibility towards thriving for a better society for everyone.