Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dust your books today..

Many of us have the habit of forgetting the books we read. Of course, some books are difficult to forget in that they leave a lasting impression on us, a few of them life-changing. But the others, its easy to forget. This tends to happen with fiction for me. These books have a thrilling plot, I read the book, appreciate the story and then forget it.

A couple of years later my hands fall on the same book, I start reading it again afresh, forgetting the fact that I had already read it. Half way into the plot I suddenly realize that the characters are familiar, the plot is as expected and I had already guessed the villain, only to realize that I am reading the book for the second time.

Might have happened with some of you too.

Reading books is a good habit. And it is a lifelong habit. We never know when we will pick the next book. It may be tomorrow, next month or next year. Being a very non-regular reader myself and having started reading quite a few years ago, and with a not-so-great memory, I always wanted a tool which would help me keep a list of books I have read, write reviews for myself and be able to rate and review them personally.

So I found this tool.. thanks to a friend who forwarded me the invite. It now stands towards the bottom right of the blog, showing the books that are currently on my 'reading shelf'. The interface is really cool with the shelf look. If you are looking for a similar tool to organize your dis-organized reading habit, I sugget this might be the one.

I hope I am not the last one to realize such a tool exists ;-) Rather, I wasn't actively looking for a tool until one came my way.

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