Friday, August 01, 2008

Dis-appointed ...

What happened at the recent confidence vote in the Indian parliament was really a shattering blow to the belief of the people who still think "democracy and independence" are the best things that happened to India in the last century. It is a shame that corruption has reached such high proportions in the country.

Some great person said "Democracy means a government of the people, for the people and by the people." A great definition, I agree Mr. Lincoln, but sorry, that definition does not hold true now. I would rather put it as "Democracy means a government of the money, for the money and by the money". After all, it is democracy. People (or is it money?) have the right to change the "definition" as well. Isn't it? And so they did.

And WE are completely responsible for letting such a thing happen, for electing such people and for letting corruption creep in to every level of the government. God save us!

July 31, 2008 - the last day for filing Income tax returns for the year 2007. And like every responsible tax paying citizen of the country, I filed my returns too. But for what purpose? After witnessing the incident in the parliament a few days earlier, I would have little doubt that the tax I paid would end up as "bribe" to some person rather than being used to light a bulb in some remote village or to build a dam saving lives of dying farmers. Not much of a use for the country, is it?

So, what do we do? I wouldn't wait for a Gandhi to come and fight against our current ruler - "corruption". Even if a Gandhi came, I don't think today's people have enough time to go with him and march for the country. The least we could do is spend some time to find the right person to represent us and vote for a better leader who believes in the welfare of the country in the true sense.

I know, I had asked everybody "to vote" in an earlier post of mine, but this time I am asking to vote "responsibly" lest we should mis-appoint our leaders and be disappointed at the end.

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