Wednesday, December 12, 2007


A rich star kid gets married. It wouldn't affect a single person on earth other than the family. Yet, the news channels show the whole saga day and night for two weeks. We don't like it. We do not complain.

The price of onions goes up by a couple of rupees. It affects the whole nation. Yet, no channel reports it. Nobody cares.

We do not like paying fine while speeding on a "Speed Limit 20KMPH" marked free highway. It doesn't make sense. We do not complain.

We say its a free nation. But people cannot express what they feel. It feels so wrong. We do not complain.

We do not like the policies of the Government. We do not have a choice till 5 years.

Because only a limited set of people take decisions and the rest of us have to accept. And why is that happening? Lets see.

In a democratic country, ruled by a Government for the people, by the people and to the people, how many of us actually exercise the power of Vote?

If our voting percentage is a meager 50-60% and a political party requires 60% majority to form the Government, that would mean that only 36% of the total population 'actually' approve of the Government. The rest, which, unfortunately is the majority, disapprove. Isn't it ironic that a party disapproved by the majority of the people forms the Government and rules the country for five years creating policies for the nation. And that is happening because "we" - the "we" who do not complain/care haven't voted.

And how easy is it for a powerful political party to capture 35% of the votes? A little money and some power can do the magic for them. But if they had to get the 60% to vote for them, they would have to do some real good to the country. As the old saying goes, we cant fool all the people all the time. Automatically, that would mean better policies and a better nation. Isn't it?

So, the next time somebody tells us its polling day in our place, lets not sleep late and enjoy the holiday. Lets go, vote, and make a difference.
Otherwise be prepared to SMS your guess about the chance of a movie star marrying a cricket player and we will all spend our day cribbing about it and never complaining. Its not the fault of the channels. Just that the feedback and the TRP ratings suggest they go in that direction. So if you want it to be changed, better give them your feedback.

Issued in public interest. No offence meant.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.. that’s soo practical. People don’t vote. True. But I feel there is another point to add.. We don’t have the right candidates to whom one can vote having the confidence that they would make a difference in the society.!! All we have are those uneducated, nothing-better-to-do kind of candidates who are in the politics to make THEIR living and Not to make OUR lives better. So One thing is to vote and even before that we need to motivate ourselves to stand as peoples’ person to build the society we Dream where No One has nothing to Complain about!

Gopi Krishna said...

Yeah, thats true.

But I feel the people who are already there are good enough. Only that they are happy that they get the 35% votes without much hard work and so they don't bother about the development of the country so much.

But if the same people had to win the vote of all 60% of them, they would definitely start doing good.

Anonymous said...

Hmm ya But it shouldn't be for the sake of gaining votes 35% or 60%. It would be better if they do things for the sake of their respectable proffession, as their Duty.. We need people who would land into politics for their interest to serve the country.. May be I am expecting too much of a person, assuming him to be a philanthropist.. !!

Gopi Krishna said...

Well, lets hope that we get ppl like that in the future :). thats definitely the permanent solution.

Unknown said...

same thing still repeats we are and will be waiting for the right person....

lets see what can we do for our country!!!!

God bless INDIA.....

Anonymous said...

You white collar job holders just simply sit,think and brood over state of indian politics but never act.

First Stop writing such Thought provoking tharsh lectures and get a voteridentity card and start casting vote to right candidates.

Chethalu kavali ...matalu kadu :-)

Gopi Krishna said...

I never thought something could be thought provoking and thrash at the same time :-) It has to be one of them.

>> get a voteridentity card and start >> casting vote to right candidates.

>> Chethalu kavali ...matalu kadu :-)

That was what I was asking us to do. Nenu vote vestha.