The blog is now upgraded to the new blogger account. I guess it is obvious that something has changed - with the archive links on the right, now, well-organized and the "About me" section becoming almost invisible. May be it went to its rightful place :), quoting in the lines of Salman Rushdie's, "blogs should go out and become famous, writers can stay home and write (and remain unknown)".
But I was disappointed. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw "Update to the new blogger" was that I would get a new set of templates to choose from. But to my dissatisfaction, the same old templates showed up in the new one too. May be they want the bloggers to become creative and create their own templates :). So even after the upgrade, our blog shall have the same old template.
Don't be surprised if in future, you get a mail to your gmail account that a music album you discussed with your friend over chat the previous day is now available at a nearby store for discount and the mail gives you driving directions to the store and even lets you share the music with your friends, besides helping you post a review of the album on your blog and finally helps you place the album for sale on the internet, if you do not like it. It might be called the UISP, Universal Internet Service Provider :) Google is going there I guess, and fast!
'Upgradation' is unavoidable & expected everywhere.But the new blogger hasn't done anything innovative for the Commenters !! :(
And ya.. the Integration of online-applications is blazing..
But tough to judge whether its going to be wise in the big picture!!
That is true!! Commenters have nothing new :(
About the integration, there is one point to argue and that is security. If we have access to so many services with a single password and you lose that password, you are out. And if somebody else gets hold of that single password, its even worse.
Even I wonder, what if somebody gets to know my gmail passwd, he/she can blog on my name happily:) While its a different story, they might do better :)
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