Monday, August 28, 2006

stuck in second gear

Trying to find 5 good reasons why I should blog. Hope I find them as soon as possible, because until then this blog will be devoid of posts.

Feel free to help me. :)

On a side note, I never thought planets would be removed from the list. Would have reduced a lot of memory-work if done some 15 years back. And I guess the importance of the number 9 has reduced, now that the first example anyone would give to show how important 9 is doesn't hold anymore.

Bye Bye, Pluto. There will be lesser people in the coming generations who would know the name. If you are thinking for a choice of name for your grandson, you now have a choice, don't you. I just sincerely hope that someday the scientists won't come up with a revolutionary theory saying "There is nothing called a Solar System, Earth is the centre of the Universe", going back to Ptolemy's theory, and leaving us at Square One after centuries of research.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


A long vacation it was..away from my blog for so long. Contrary to what some of you might have guessed, no, it was not the mobile that kept me busy and away from the blog. There were things less mundane ;).

Independence day. This time commemorating the 60th year of liberty, freedom, democracy. (Are they different?). The day is always beautiful, with the all-colorful flags being hoisted, people wearing small flags - symbol of patriotism. And the day becomes more vibrant if you are traveling. Every village, town and city has this central market-place where the flag is hoisted and colorful ribbons hanging around. Truly picturesque - the saffron, white and green. :)

This time I couldn't stop but observe some minute things.
1. One of the TV news channels was asking for an SMS poll on "Did India do the right thing by opting for Democracy?". [Ya, they do charge you for expressing your opinion]
2. The three main problems our country is facing now, as evident from the PM's speech were not poverty, unemployment, population explosion, but were terrorism, terrorism, and again the same word.
3. Even this time politicians were asked General-Knowledge questions about Independence like who ruled us before 1947, who is Gandhi etc. but a more appropriate question would have been to ask them to spell the word Independence, not that they do not know or not that I am still obsessed with the spelling-bee..just for fun, you know ;).
4. One surprising news I read somewhere was that Gandhi went starving for one whole day after we were declared independent. Hunger-strike for want of independence and celebrating independence by starving..Strange..Same situation, one for the want of independence and the other because we got it.

Reminds me of a similar situation, of course less important. Once, in a bus, I had two choices. One - to sit shrunk beside a huge person because he was getting down in the next stop so that I get the window seat after he leaves, and the other a normal non-window seat for the rest of the journey. Obviously, the greedy me chose to sit beside the huge dude waiting for the window seat. The person left and I got the window seat after some 15 minutes. Happy. But 5 mins at the window seat, a beautiful girl comes up, smiles a big smile and asks for an exchange of seats. The generous me immediately accepts and leaves to the new place only to find one more huge dude sitting happily...and the rest of the journey, you can imagine.

Bad seat and a smile, like Gandhi's starving and independence. ;) Same situation before and after. One for the want of a better seat and the other because I got it.

All the above mentioned things apart, I think India has evolved and is evolving into a developed nation at a good pace. And these 60 years have seen India-Emerging.
Hope this continues and we become the next super power. Hope peace prevails and we do not have to stay terrified.

Jai Hind!

PS : Do you think the beautiful girl story was fiction? A) Yes. B)No. C)Can't say. Do not SMS your answers. :)