Tuesday, February 14, 2006

days to remember

1809 was the year. February 12th was the date. It was an unforgotten day in history.
Two great people, who would be remembered for hundreds of years to come, were born on that day.
One was Abraham Lincoln and the other Charles Darwin, one the greatest leader of all time and the other, the prodigy behind the "Natural Selection".
And 175 years later, exactly on the same day a person with the capabilities of Lincoln and the rationale of Darwin was born, or so he thought.

He spent the next few years dreaming about standing in the woods, reading books, and delivering speeches to rocks, repeating the "for the people, by the people and to the people" phrase once in a while. Poor thing, little did he know that Democracy was already a reality and his country had achieved it long before he was born.

Once he realized that, he tried the other route - origin of species and natural selection theories. Learning that individual organisms possessing advantageous heritable traits are more likely to survive, he started thinking what advantageous traits mean for different species. And a few more years later, still not being sure of what to do, he set out on a tour on the lines of Darwin's tour of the Archipelago, to find answers to few of the questions, if possible.

The tour covered most places in South India, historical monuments to modern plazas, hill stations to beaches, mountain peaks to sand dunes, religious places to spiritual ones, natural forests to artificial parks, wild life sanctuaries to botanical gardens, walks in the clouds and seas. Over all, it was a fun trip. And the most exciting thing was that he entered his twenty third year during this trip.

And he was me.

So dear friends, now that I have finished my tour of the Archipelago kind, get ready to be hit by a new theory in the lines of Evolution or Natural Selection. May be I found answers to some of the questions!


Anonymous said...

I wonder How you manage to do such research on people with the precision of the centuries & dates !

Happy Birthday For this Great Person.
The Young Lincoln & Darwin !

Gopi Krishna said...

Thanks to wikipedia, researching on anything under the sun is pretty easy.

Thanks for the wishes.