Tuesday, January 03, 2006

whats in the year?

Having posted about examinations in my last post, I just realized that in the year 2005, I haven't written a single exam.
So far, every year I had written one or more exams and got at least one promotion, like Class 1 to Class 2, Intermediate to Engineering etc, leave alone the first 2, 3 years. Even during those years I have had improvements from crawling to walking to talking etc.
But, 2005 is the only year I've got no promotion :(. Is that good or bad? I am not sure which one is better - A year without examinations or a year without any progress.

Coming to how 2005 has been, at least during the later part of the year, I could manage some posts on this blog. I became a regular blogger, "regular" as in my dictionary. Hope this year, the "regularity" will be as per any other blogger's dictionary. No, that is not my "new year resolution". Coming to resolutions for the New Year, I follow the great advice given by someone - "Broaden your target so much so that you will hit it the first time".

In general, there have been great many significant events in 2005, like the discovery of the Chimpanzee genome map, the hurricanes, the success of google, completion of 100 years of Einstein's discoveries and many more I am unaware of. Bad news is there was none in the last 100 years to beat Einstein, 'beat' as in disprove/improve his discoveries. That leaves you and me a chance, I guess.

All the best for 2006, dear readers of this blog. Hope I find more questions to fill this space.

An excerpt from the book God's Debris, I have been reading recently.
"We don’t understand why electricity travels. We don’t know why light travels at a constant speed forever. All we can do is observe and record patterns."

That suggests there are always "Questions without answers" in this world. Let's see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The most striking thing about your blog is you keep up the tempo of you theme, "Qs withour As". Great going dude.