Tuesday, November 08, 2005

the eye or the ear

A guy calls his s/w friend and says, "Dude, you know what! I got a job in XYZ, awesome package, great work and all".
And the s/w friend replies, "Sh!t, this happens every time. Not again!!!"
The first guy - "What??!!!???!!"
Poor guy, little does he know that the message on the monitor of his friend has "FATAL Exception occured!! Please shut down." flashing in red on it.

And the topic - The eye or the ear.
No doubt both these sensory organs are the most important, but when a conflict arises, which one of these does the brain prefer?
The one you see or the one you hear? Is it a general phenomenon that the message you see has priority over the ones you hear?
Is it context and the importance of the message that decide which one is preferred?

But given the same message and the same priority, which one does the brain understand first? The one read or the one heard?
In that case may be the language of the message and the complexity of the sentence are the deciding factors.
Seems like this topic is much more complex. Leaving it here, with a few questions unanswered.

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