Wednesday, October 19, 2005

a tour to, not me

You think it will be a great day ahead if your day starts with the sun smiling on your face bright red at the time you wake up, you see no red signal all along your way to work and you hear no screams of "Dikhta nahin hai??" [Can't you see?]
Your day gets even better when you see that there are fewer mails than ever in your inbox, and not a single meeting schedule in your outlook calendar and and and ...when you see a comment on your blog.

And the day immediately seems like the best day if that comment was for a not-so-good post of yours.

And the best day turns into a more superlative form of a good day once you see the starting words of the comment "What a nice blog you have...".
Wow!! Great!!

The same happened to me too. Thanks to gmail, I could see the starting lines even before opening the comment-mail for reading.
I thought it would be a good thing to return the favor by thanking the reader and asking the person to frequent his/her visit to the blog.
And so, I started typing my reply. "I love my blog too. Its really nice of you to comment. Thanks for the compliment.
Do keep reading my blog and commenting on the posts.". I go back to reading the comment completely to recheck if the person had said anything else, so that I can also thank/answer for that.
The result - my message changed to
"Not again guys !!! Please stop putting-in ads in my comment box. Thanks. I do not need any PhDs without exams and I am not going to fly Europe, not at least till someone offers me free tickets to the FIFA world cup in 2006."
But I did not know where to send this. One more unsent message.

And the greatestest day turns to the same normal day again, except for the fact that the already present count of fewer mails in my inbox has decreased by one.
No, I won't keep posting about every ad-comment that I will be getting in the future.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

a pseudo-interview

Ever read an interview of a celebrity visiting a city and responding to an eager Page 3 journalist asking how he/she liked the city?
They always say 'it's a great city', 'oh! the food is great' and 'the people, they are very hospitable'.
What if it wasn't the case always?

J: Hi, so how do u like the city.
C: City? Which city? Oh, you guys call this city!!! Fine!
It's awful. I hate this place.

J: And how's the food here?
C: Don't get me started on that. I am dying of hunger since the past 3 days that I am here.
Even bread here is the worst I have seen. I am living on water.

J: And the people?
C: People!! People here look at me as if I am some alien dropped by a leaking space ship.
And the people, who walk past me, turn back and take a second look at me if my presence was an illusion.
And tourist spots, the so-called guide took me all the way atop a hill on foot and pointed to a small pebble the size of my ring and said it was a "History's Lost and Found" marvel.
And you call that - a 'place to visit'..!!!

J: So, are you planning to come back sometime?
( The journalist, being a novice in the field, had no choice but to ask all the questions in the book )
C: Yeah sure, when I have nothing better to do and am desperately waiting to experience the worst things of life.

May be there are such interviews, only to be dumped in thrash cans, never to be printed.
After all, the pride of cities is to be protected ;)

And no, I don't hate this city. Not as long as I get my favorite biryani at 2.00 AM. :)