Tuesday, July 05, 2005

one year at the firm

Its becoming more and more difficult to find questions without answers and even more difficult to search for the answers.
And that explains my irregular posts to the blog.

Anyway, its been one year at work, out of the golden days of college life.
The flattering thing is that I am a taxpayer now. And that impresses me the most.
Because the next time a cop comes up and asks me "idhar kya kar raha hai?" when I am staring into the skies and searching for the answers to my questions on a desolate road at the peak of midnight, I can say "Dude, I am a taxpayer in this country. I can stand wherever I want and whenever I want."

That means freedom.

Now that I am a tax-paying citizen of the country, I need to revise the Constitution once, so that I can be aware of my rights and duties. One more pending task added to the big list of to-dos :)

Of course nothing comes free. This freedom is accompanied by involving in umpteen numbers of things; I thought I never would bother about. That includes the stock market, the Income Tax rules, the Government in power and even The Economic Times.

Life has changed in more than one way. Gone are the days when we went to a movie irrespective of the day. But now, its a big no on weekdays, fearing it may effect the next days work. :( Gone are the days when meeting friends was a regular thing done everyday, every hour but now, nope, its only in mails that you see your friends.

It wouldn't be so good to end this post without my regular questionnaire. Any way here comes one.

Lately, I have been reading the novel "The Firm" by John Grisham. The protagonist, a top notch lawyer, straight out of college, after being hired by a law firm offering big bucks, comes to know that the firm is a mafia operated organized-crime(now, that’s a word. I like it) station in disguise. Well, as every other tax-paying loyal citizen would do, he busts the whole racket, gets the cops onto the place and flees the country with lot of dough back in the bank.

Till now everything is fine, but "They never forget" (The mafia never forgets). So by the end of the novel, he sits on the beach, waiting for death to come in any moment in any form. That’s life.

Now, the question : "What would you do, if some day you get to know that you MAY die the next day, the next hour or for that matter the next minute?"

May be there is an answer to this one.

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