Sunday, December 10, 2006


Its been more than a fortnight since the official Thanksgiving day but does it matter? Saying thanks is important. Isn't it? Or is the date too important?

We have William Shakespeare to help us :) Altering and quoting Juliet, Juliet of the "Romeo and Juliet" fame, I say "What's in a date? That thanks when said on any other day would mean no less gratitude". Yeah, I have been doing a lot of alter-and-quote lately. should reduce it :(

So, here I am, trying to thank all those who have been readers of the blog. This should be done some or the other day.

Let's go by the group.

First of all, thanks to the person who has been reading this blog from the very beginning days till today, regularly, almost every day, suffering through all the bad posts, enjoying the good ones and reading both the good and bad ones with equal interest and always waiting for new posts. Now most of you might actually guess I am thanking myself here. :)

Thanks to the irregularly regular readers, reading posts now and then, commenting on some, criticizing some others and helping me gain some readership.

Thanks to the forced-visitors, who when given the link to my blog, click on it and read the first post, click on random posts, read them and then forget about the blog and then visit the blog only when the link is sent again.

Thanks to the readers, who "do not" click when the link to the blog is sent fearing it might be a link to some unknown virus on the internet which would erase their hard disk. Thanks for being so careful, yes there are such viruses. Thanks for being careful, again :)

Thanks to the kind of readers who accidentally tumble upon my blog searching for -
1. "Swades mp3 download" - guys, u forgot the "free" word in your search box, otherwise you could have found the correct sites.

2. "Intermediate QUESTIONS and ANSWERS Andhra Pradesh" - Are the S.Chand and Vignan guides out of date that Intermediate students are searching for questions AND answers on the Internet. I pity them for being pointed to my blog, adding to their already existing list of confusions.

3. "Guide to the Spelling bee" - sorry guys, I am not so much into spelling bees, but thanks for visiting my blog on the path to your bigger quest.

4. "chalkpieces" - are chalkpieces so hi-tech now that one has to order them on amazon or something? Aren't they available at the nearby grocery store? Sorry guys, am not much into selling chalkpieces, though I was once busy stealing some. Anyway thanks to you too for visiting the blog.

Thanks to one and all.

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