Saturday, July 16, 2005


why do I blog?
what inspires me to post?

I know, I know. These are not questions without answers.
But let me see how well I can answer them.

First of all, why do I blog.

A quick answer that comes to my mind is "to be tagged as blogger", to get my share of the free web space.
And to take some time off the visitors who read this blog, if there were any of them :).

But most importantly I blog to record the non-persistence of the chemical signals in the synapses of my brain thus, creating a persistent abode to my thought factory.
Yes, you heard it right. I don't want to let go my thoughts unrecorded as they are overwritten by new synapses reaching the neurons, thus changing the state of them.
In short I blog so that I can jot down my thoughts/ideas, before I forget them, in the form of a post.

Then, the second question: what inspires me to post.

A little alteration to the great saying "An idle man's mind is a devil's workshop” would make it "An idle man's mind is a blog workshop". And by blog workshop I mean working on the blog, a.k.a posting.

So that defines it. I post when I am idle. And that is the time when the thought process in me begins to search for post-able content and the result is a new post is born.

That is one reason. And the other is the change of state of neurons in my brain.
Before a thought is over-written in my mind, I make sure it is posted.

But a possible doubt here is out of the 100 billion nerve cells present in the brain and the 100,000 chemical reactions that occur in it every second, which ones, do I pick to make a post? And that is one of the questions which do not have an answer as of now. Let me think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey gud u answered my questions :) --pavan