Wednesday, December 12, 2012

pardes 3

Four and a half years later it is that I came back to New York, and many things are the same while a few have changed. There are definitely more buildings new and tall while the older ones stayed the same lending a familiarity.

As always, I do have something interesting going on every time I come over and this time it was the Macy's Thanksgiving parade which gave an extra color to the city.

Shorter though this trip is, it is a whirlwind tour of sorts covering three different corners of the US courtesy friends spread across the country. It was Boston first, San Francisco next and Houston last before I head back to India. From the Brooklyn bridge on the east to Golden gate on the west, from the Charles river on the north to the Galveston bay on the south, I could cover quite a few places far and wide, and meet friends after ages!

So this trip was about traveling, meeting friends and watching movies as well, Meet Joe Black, being the most prominent.

And an interesting date it is today - 12/12/12 and a good day to start back writing on the blog.