This is my hundredth post!
And the blogger dashboard said this, before I started writing this one...

One, I stuck to writing and did not give up on it though it has been a few years now and there were periods of zero activity too. Isn't it easy to just to get lazy? However I came back.
Two, kind people have been reading whatever I write and have been encouraging me all through with comments and feedback online and offline.
Three, I can write. :-) Though not all the hundred posts were good, I guess a few of them, say a ten of them were good enough that people came back the second time, read and remembered.
I wonder if the word milestone is apt here, because milestones are measures to see how close or away you are from your target, but in this case, there is no target. I just wish to write more and more.. as long as I have things to write about.
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