Monday, July 09, 2007

while you were sleeping ...

Its been three years now from the day I answered the final question in the Mobile Computing paper explaining the protocol architecture of WAP. It felt like the longest answer I ever wrote, not because I was unaware of WAP, but because I was too eager to get out. :) That day marked the end of an era, an era of Questions and Answers, an era that most of us call 'the golden era', the era that started from 'I class B section' and ended at 'B.E.'. That day the gigantic Engineering college building stood there smiling, standing as testimony to the day that marked the end of that era.

From that day, three years, that is more than a thousand days have passed. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of what I did these three years is typing. :)) I have typed more words than I have talked. Courtesy, the software field. Other than that, the journey is pretty much the story of Rip Van Winkle. Remember the guy who falls asleep and wakes up after twenty years to see that the whole world has changed and he wasn't even aware? Something similar I can say. Or may be the journey all these years was just like a good dream, too comfortable to wake up.

Lots of things were part of the good dream. The independence, the luxury, the satisfaction and much recently a trip around the world taking me to the place of Mr. Winkle himself. Isn't it coincidence again? :)

"What??!!?? Its been three years? THREE years just went by? But when?" I asked myself and the title of the post is what I got as an answer.

All in all, the era that succeeded the golden era is close to being called golden, but not exactly the same.