Thursday, September 30, 2004

got to think about these !!

From a few days, I have been thinking about the answers to the following questions.

1. Why do people not say "its a dream come true" when something bad happens ?
Don't they have bad dreams ??

2. Should a business man need to be optimistic or pessimistic about his investments??

Should think about answers to these...

Thursday, September 23, 2004

my web site

News! my website is up and running.

Got the template from the internet, the template is cool.
I should say it was the design that tempted me to build a site.

Registered it with

Have to make some more changes and make it good-looking.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

hats off to the auto-walah!!

The road:
On one side you find these traffic police men waiting to find some 'bakraa' so that they can ooze out some money from them, and on the other side you find this auto-walah who has a board "Free service to physically handicapped people..( Vikalangulaku uchitam)" on his auto. -- hats off to him, for he shows what humanity is !!

I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better — G C Lichtenberg

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

news from australia....

The past few days were the most usual ones in life. Nothing much to discuss about them. The usual "come, work, go" kinda days where nothing much has happened. But today had a good time with my school friends in a conference. The interesting part of it was that we were three in the conference, one chatting from Australia, the other from Texas, and me from the same old Hyderabad. All three of us were at the three parts of the day morning noon n night, ha ha ha
Found a new site for medicos a bit helpful i think,
and one more controversy regarding the 9/11 attacks on Pentagon true/false ??